Skin Peels For Younger, Clearer Skin at Shape Beauty Salon in Teddington
Although it has been around in some form since the 1980s, skin resurfacing represents the next level of skincare and anti-ageing. Scientific advancements have greatly enhanced the understanding and knowledge of what skin resurfacing is and it's potential. From continuous wave carbon dioxide laser to non-ablative laser systems used widely today, skin resurfacing is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the market.
pHformula has taken skin resurfacing even further, with dermatological, non-invasive, and tailored skin resurfacing treatments based on over three decades of combined scientific, medical and skin health knowledge and experience.
The skin resurfacing system is targeted to the needs of your skin type - whether that is anti-ageing, hyperpigmentation, chronic redness, acne, wrinkles, or even if you are looking for an instant boost. Different treatments can be combined in a specially designed program with controlled strength and depth depending on the sensitivity levels of your skin.
'Layer and leave-on' treatments don't need to be timed as the products are self-neutralising and can be left on the skin. A package of integrated support products can be used at home, guaranteeing the best possible results and maintenance. The 'outside in' and 'inside out' philosophy ensures powerful nutrients are put to work inside, while your skin is rapidly restored on the surface.
pHformula Skin Resurfacing Consultation
*Please note a Skin Consultation is required prior to all pHformula Skin Resurfacing treatments at Skin By Sadie beauty salon in Teddington to check for any skin sensitivities. This is to prepare your skin ready for treatment. Consultations include an in-depth consultation with your skin therapist where they will discuss your skin concerns, current medication (if any) and current skincare routine, plus, a Skin Health Discovery Facial. Your facial includes a double cleanse, skin sensitivity test, hydration mask, and moisturise.
Following your consultation, you will be given a Ph formula kit to gently exfoliate & prep your skin. This should be done between 2-4 weeks before your treatment. A tailored homecare/treatment plan will also be emailed to you.
Skin Consultation With Discovery Facial |£60
Skin Consultation With No Facial | £30 (redeemable towards products but non refundable if no purchase made)
What Are the Benefits of Skin Resurfacing Treatments?
Skin Resurfacing Treatment Descriptions.
* Chronic Redness (C.R) -This treatment has been formulated for Chronic Redness, rosacea, sensitive skin, and acne rosacea. It is highly effective in helping to treat these skin conditions and concerns. With its key combination of acids that work from the inside out this treatment is gentle on the skin barrier but delivers results without any downtime. This is a great lunchtime treatment. For optimum results, it is advised to use pHformula C.R Homecare kit prior to treatment.
* Anti-Ageing (A.G.E) - This treatment is highly effective at treating the common signs of ageing skin working on photo-ageing, fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. With its key combination of acids that target these skin concerns. This treatment has no downtime and is a great lunchtime treatment. For optimum results, it is advised to use pHformiula A.G.E Homecare Kit prior to treatment.
* Hyperpigmentation (M.E.L.A) - This treatment has been formulated for hyperpigmentation, melasma, and sun damage it is highly effective in helping to treat these conditions and concerns. With its key combination of acids that work from the inside out this power clay helps to target the accumulation of epidermal-located melanin and unique acids help to suppress melanocytes and lighten pigment, without any downtime. For optimum results, it is advised to use pHformula M.E.L.A Homecare Kit prior to treatment.
* Acne (A.C) - This treatment is highly effective at treating the main acne indications oily skin, pustules, comedones, enlarged pores, and superficial scarring. With its key combination of acids that have antimicrobial effects on the skin. This treatment has no downtime and is a great lunchtime treatment. For optimum results, it is advised to use A.C pHformula Kit prior to treatment.
Different modalities can be added, such as specialised pHformula peel-off masks, Dermalux LED Light therapy, Ice Globes, Nano-Needle Infusion.
* Resurface in 30 (Lunchtime peel) | £85
* Resurface in 60 | £110 Includes SOS or A.D.V.A.N.C.E.D.peel off mask & Vitamin Boost.
( COMING SOON) * Resurface in 90 |£195 Includes Lymphatic Facial Massage, Dermalux LED, Facial Ice Globes, pHformula peel-off mask, and Nano-needling and Vitamin Boost. Plus, an 'add on' Eye Treatment.
Add On Treatments:
Age Reverse Eye Treatment
Indulge in the ultimate luxury eye treatment to rejuvenate and reverse the signs of ageing. 3 steps are followed including a gentle resurfacing peel, and nano-needling with customised ampule solution delivering long lasting results! In addition, an indulgent peptide mask enhances treatment, making the skin around the eyes fresh with long lasting results.
Please note: this is an add on treatment and can not be taken as a stand-alone treatment.
Neck Recovery Treatment
Our neck resurfacing peel assists in superficial exfoliation and cell renewal. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are greatly reduced.
Please note: this is an add on treatment and can not be taken as a stand-alone treatment.
How Long Does A Chemical Peel Treatment Take?
Superficial peel procedures times vary from 30-90 minute treatments. You may also hear them called "lunch time peels".
VITA C Radiance Boost Facial | £60
V.I.T.A C Radiance Boost Facial is a fantastic treatment to give your skin a little pick-me-up and one of our most popular. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and will work on pigmentation as well as brighten and give a glow to your skin. Better yet, with this treatment, we do not need to prepare your skin so no homecare treatment plan is required prior to your service.